First of all, Serama Negeri would like to say a bunch of thanks to the Penang Serama Group to organize such a huge event without any inconvenience. Their great customer service should be highly appreciated. SN got a chance to meet few well known serama breeders like Pok 8 (Dungun), Haji iskandar (Serama Keramat) & etc.. Thanks again guys!!
SN mendapat tahu seramai 450 Ekor serama pada BON Penang yang amat meriah dan selesa, ribuan terima kasih atas layanan Serama Penang group atas layanan kalian semua.
Zan sambil menunggu geng serama Pendang sempat la dia ambik gambar sebelum ke Bon Penang.
Golden bullet has won consolatation prize in female category.
Peluru Maz, sekadar memperolehi saguhati Bon Penang.
Sang Kasturi has won fifth prize in Serama B ctegory.
Sang Kasturi cuma tempat ke5 in Serama B Kategori.
Sang Doremon has back to Negeri with empty hand.
Sang Doremon pulang ke negeri dengan tangan kosong hehehe..
Raja Alam has won 2nd prize among those 80 seramas in "Young" category. We will be entering him to the Kenyir Bon on 7th May 2011.
Raja Alam berjaya menewaskan 80 ekor serama muda Bon Penang pada tempat ke2 naib Johan, ni jugak sebagai tiket Bon Kenyir kelak.
Rinting Maz 916 became a full time breeder at our SN mini farm in Seremban. Before his retirement, SN are busying cross him with some selected striking females to produce some high quality mottled babies. Hope his offspring will be rock on the stage soon.
Rinting Maz 916, sebelum apa-apa berlaku padanya SN sibuk nyatukan induk-induk terpilih untuk menghasilkan rinting yang konsistan di meja kelak.
This pic was taken when Jambu reached to "young" category.
Jambu di peringkat muda, macam tak percaya SN masih simpan pic Jambu dari dulu sampai sekarang.
I believe that introduction is not required for the above serama since everybody should know about this serama and the owner Mr. Pak Alias (SI 3000). This is a father of Jambu.
Jambu anak dari gambar di atas, mesti ramai yang kenal SI Pak Alias ambak both game Bangi and game yang lepas-lepas.
Please be informed that there is no any updates on our blog for a week due to Malaysia Formula 1 event which is going to be held on 8.9.10 April 2011. We will get back to you all with some extraordinary photos on next week. Till then, take care & good bye to all!!
This is our new cockerel which is origin from north Malaysia. He won first prize in the serama exhibition in Perlis while third prize in Kuantan show. We will be entering him to the upcoming game which be held in Bangi, Melaka and Penang.
Raja alam di BON Kuantan sekadar tempat ke 3 yang sebelum ini di bon Perlis Johan kategori Remaja. Berwaran kubing mas, ayam yang agak aktiv di meja. nanti Raja alam turun bersama anggota-anggota di reban SN ke Bon Bangi, Melaka & penang.
Here is the stunning picture of our Rinting Maz 916. We are decided to cross him with pure Tok uban female as well. Earlier he was crossed with Lang Negeri and you guys can be viewed his offspring on my earlier post.
Kalini Rinting Maz 916 di cross dengan induk uban,Sebelum ni ia disatukan bersama lang negeri telah menghasilkan 2 ekor anak yang sebelum ini dipost kan di SN (Serama Negeri).
Almost 70% of our serama having sun bath on this weekend.
Di hujung minggu ni hampir 70% penghuni SN telah dimandikan.