The above shown recent picture of the "Nature King" @ Raja Alam. He is 3 years old now but still very active in producing the chicks. Therefore, SN has decided to breed him with a grayish tail pullet and Miss 46 in order to produce some promising chicks. Well, We may try whatever the possibilities, but the result only will know in first quarter of the year 2014.

Walaupun Si Raja Alam dah 3 tahun lebih tapi masih bergaya dan aktif keluarkan anak2. Pembaka ini yang paling berjasa di reban Serama Negeri. SN telah masuk dia dengan Induk ekor kelabu dan Induk kandang Miss 46 untuk keluarkan anak2 serama yang cantik dan kecil sebiji macam Raja Alam. Walaupun kami masing2 sibuk dengan kerja, tetapi masih aktif di dunia Serama. Harap2 kita boleh keluarkan anak2 yang memeriahkan bon yang akan datang nanti.

Sri Nilai 01 baru diasingkan dari Induk

Sri Alam 01 (Bapa pada Sri Nilai)

Putera Alam 01 (Datuk pada Sri Nilai)

Raja Alam @The Nature King (Moyang pada Sri Nilai)

The above shown an updated picture of "Sri Nilai" which was born for Sri Alam 01 v/s "Snake Head Female." Sri Alam was crossed with his own step sister and they were produced this little size boy. Sri Nilai has perfect body posture with upper chest, medium size neck, recommended height, good numbers of stick on his comb and of course same color as his dad and grand father. He have made us proud. Let's wait and see how he will turn out once reached Serama A category.

Sri Nilai 01 terkini tengah luruh, Ini adalah anak pure pada Sri Alam dan cucu pada Putera Alam 01. Warna kubing bersih sebiji macam datuk, aksesori tiptop, saiz balung kecil dan nipis, warna kaki & paruh full set Kuning dan cutting yang cukup puas hati untuk SN. Perangai makin lama makin baik, harap2 akan siap soon.

Here is an updated picture of Raja Alam. He is the most pioneer breeder in our mini farm and still very active in producing the chicks. Currently we paired him with a grayish tail pullet in order to produce the grayish tail chicks. It might be a challenging for us but crucial to achieving it by end of 2013. Let's hope for the best!

Ini gambar terkini Raja Alam. Dia adalah pembaka yang teras dan paling tua di reban SN. Walaupun dah tua tapi masih aktif dari segi produce anak2 yang menarik untuk pandangan SN. Kami telah masuk dia dengan Induk ekor kelabu untuk mencuba produce anak warna kubing ekor kelabu. Belum tahu lagi akan jadi tak, tetapi kami akan cuba tanpa berputus asa.

The above shown an updated picture of our VR46 boy which was born for Sri Alam 01 v/s female (Sri Johor bloodline). We could have never imagined that he will be awesome as this as he looks very average when he was 1 month old. He was dominant on her mother's side in terms of color and style, However his accessory still same as his dad (Sri Alam 01). .

Ini adalah picture terkini of VR46. Ianya hasil gabungan daripada darah Induk Sri Johor dengan bapa kubing Sri Alam 01. Walaupun bapa dia warna Kubing, dia dominant pada darah Ibu dia dari segi Warna dan perangai tetapi aksesori masih tetap follow Sri Alam. Apa2 pun SN suka anak Ara ini.

"Sri Nilai" adalah hasil kacukan via Inbreeding & Outbreeding di reban serama negeri. Lepas hardworking 3 1/2 tahun tanpa berputus asa, baru boleh nampak cutting yang idaman SN. Walaubagaimanapun, kami masih di landasan yang sama untuk further improvement dari segi gaya dan perangai. Setiap breeders ada cara breeding yang sendiri dan Kami percaya diagram SN di atas ini akan very helpful untuk breeder yang baru dalam dunia Serama ini. "Sharing is Caring"

This little cockerel was produced via "Inbreeding” and "Out breeding" in our mini farm. Almost 3 1/2 years of hard work, now only can get our favorite outline and body posture. However, we are still on the same track for further development in terms of Style and attitude. Every breeders has their own breeding ability and we believe the above breeding diagram would be very much helpful for the new comers. “Sharing is Caring”.

Updated picture of the Sri Alam's offspring via inbreeding
(1st Generation)

The above shown picture of "Sri Nilai" which was born for Sri Alam 01 v/s "Snake Head Female". Sri Alam was crossed with his own step sister and they were produced this little champ. Sri Nilai has perfect body posture, medium size neck, recommended height, good numbers of stick on his comb and of course same color as his dad and grand father. 90% of our offspring are in "Kubing" color as their ancestor originated from that color as well. Let's wait and see how he will turn out

Sri Nilai 01 terkini, Ini adalah anak pure pada Sri Alam dan cucu pada Putera Alam 01. Warna kubing full, aksesori tiptop, susunan balung macam batang mancis, warna kaki kuning ke hijauan dan cutting yang cukup puas hati untuk SN. Harap2 boleh siap secepat mungkin.
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