Miss Kubing 2014 @ mother of our champion Roosters (Induk Jet Ekor Panjang)

  • Generally the long-tailed serama pullets are more beautiful and cuter than short tail birds

  • About 90% of long -tailed serama hens are naturally incubating their eggs

  • It keeps their babies warm during winter season

  • The chances of producing a show quality serama are "very high"

  • Nothing beats watching the long-tailed mother serama take her babies out to exploration and walking like a supermodel.

Note: This post was made solely on the facts and our own personal experience in serama breeding


Today, we're introducing our show quality rooster "Red Army". He is a special edition from our mini farm in Alor Setar, Kedah and he derived from our own "Raja Alam @ Kubing Batek" bloodline v/s "Kelarah" female. He was born to our breeding pair (Putera Alam 05 male v/s Miss Belukar Zam). Despite the major "Cross Breeding" challenges that GSN has faced in the early days, in spring 2015 we have successfully completed our R&D in cross breeding of our "Kubing" bloodline resulting a beautiful show quality serama with complete accessories (handsome comb, upright posture, full breast, rare color & etc.) However, this is just the beginning of our "GSN Kubing" project and more to come.

Anak serama Red Army ini adalah pembikinan di Serama Negeri Alor Setar. Red Army adalah asal dari darah Kubing kami (Raja Alam), Bapanya Putera Alam 05 dan Ibu ialah Induk Kelarah Zam JB. Ia dilahirkan di reban Utara Serama Negeri dan di breedkan oleh saudara Zan (GSN). Walaupun GSN team menghadapi beberapa cabaran dalam cross-breeding project, kami menyambung juga breeding aktiviti di kedah keputusannya dapat anak serama yang SPEC pertandingan, Balung pun sudah upgrade ke "Balung plastik". GSN akan simpan Red Army ini untuk upgrade Generasi kedua (2nd Generation).

Color is an important feature of most living organisms. In the wild, color has great significance affecting the survival and reproductive success of the species. The above shows our serama babies SPEC 2016 and they were born in GSN's mini serama farm Alor Setar, Kedah. They derived from various bloodline and born to our breeding Rooster "Pembaka 1K", "Golden Kubing" & "Grey King 2015". Perhaps we can expect either "Grey King @ Raja Kelabu version 2016" or Nature King 2016

Ini gambar-gambar terkini anak serama cutting terkini yang lahir pada 2016. Anak versi kuning emas dan Putih beras ini adalah Special Edition di reban GSN Alor Setar sebab salah seekor lahir pada May 1st 2016. Salah seekor adalah anak pada "Kubing Emas @ Pembaka anak Tunggal" cross dengan Induk Robot GSN. Kami berharap dia boleh jadi ayam yang cantik dan hebat seperti Raja Kelabu atau Raja Alam!!.

Dear Serama friends, wishing you all a very Happy Labor Day. The above shows updated picture of our breeding pullet (Project Gold 05 & 06) and they derived from a pure "Sri6 Bloodline" v/s "Induk Mie Kebab" that was bred by Zan (Group Serama Negeri). Despite the Hot weather, all her siblings are bought by serama enthusiast from East and South Malaysia and eventually we managed reserve some birds for our own R&D and breeding project.In general the main advantage of this lineage are Slim Body, soft and cute face, upper chest with recommended height and tiny comb like matchstick points.

Salam kawan2 serama semua. Di sini kami nak menunjukkan induk kandang yang yang dihasil kan oleh GSN. Induk ni adalah gabungan antara pembaka Sri Enam (Sri6) dan Induk Mie Kebab. Dalam banyak2 adik beradik selam nya habis dalam simpanan kami. Ramai yang dari luar kawasan amik adikberadik nya. Kami cuma sempat menyimpan beberapa tina belunjur sahaja. yang Selam molek jantan betina habis dibeli dari penggemar Serama di Malaysia. Baka dan darah ini kami usahakan dari tahun lepas dan hasil nya agak memuaskan. Ciri2 halus tinggi dan Slim adalah cutting No.1 pada masa kini.
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