Mr. VR46 (Updated)

The above shown an updated picture of our VR46 boy which was born for Sri Alam 01 v/s female (Sri Johor bloodline). We could have never imagined that he will be awesome as this as he looks very average when he was 1 month old. He was dominant on her mother's side in terms of color and style, However his accessory still same as his dad (Sri Alam 01). .

Ini adalah picture terkini of VR46. Ianya hasil gabungan daripada darah Induk Sri Johor dengan bapa kubing Sri Alam 01. Walaupun bapa dia warna Kubing, dia dominant pada darah Ibu dia dari segi Warna dan perangai tetapi aksesori masih tetap follow Sri Alam. Apa2 pun SN suka anak Ara ini.