The real beauty of Red Crest for Ayam Serama (Balung terkini 2015)

The above photos shows a few types of Crest/Comb of our serama chickens born in 2015. Despite our busy work schedule, Group Serama Negeri (GSN) has developed a new type of "Crest" in 2015 resulting a major changes in the face and size of their comb. We believe that "Crest" is the most important element in the Serama breeding as it can change the look of a whole serama indeed. Besides that, Baby oil will be applied to enhance the sheen of comb that can improve their appearance.

Atas adalah beberapa gambar "Balung terkini" serama GSN yang dilahir pada tahun 2015. Walaupun masing2 sibuk di tempat kerja, kami dapat juga masa untuk meningkatkan kualiti "Balung" ayam serama kami di reban GSN. 80% anak2 kami adalah balung lilin atau plastik yang menggemari oleh ramai peminat serama di Malaysia. Kami GSN tumpukan pada "balung serama" sebab ia main peranan penting dalam ciptakan serama muka halus dan cantik