The Power of Robot Female and her Offspring (Red Army Bloodline)

First Generation (The Red Army)

Second Generation (The Black Army)

This little chick was produced covertly at our GSN mini farm in Nilai, Negeri Sembilan. He derived from our own "Kubing Maz (Nature King) v/s kelarah" bloodline. In addition to that, the Red Armys's coloring is our all time favourite color and almost an addiction. Here's a little information about its lineage; it was born to our breeding pair (The Golden Kubing v/s The Robot Female - sister of the Red Army) and bred by our GSN member "Dinend Sivali" in Nilai. He is the second generation (Batch 3.0) in a Red Army bloodline. 

Anak serama AA size ini adalah pembikinan di reban Serama Negeri Nilai, Negeri Sembilan. Junior Robot ini adalah asal dari darah Kubing Maz GSN(Raja Alam v/s induk kelarah 50%). Bapanya Anak Tunggal Kubing Maz dan Ibu ialah Induk Robot GSN. Ia dilahirkan di reban Nilai Serama Negeri dan di breedkan oleh saudara (Dinend Sivali). Warna dan design anak serama ini adalah sebiji macam abang dia (Batch 1.0) dan dominant oleh darah Kubing Emas. Apa2 pun, kami team GSN berharap dia boleh berjasa untuk geng GSN.