Serama Negeri's Offspring (Serama 2014)
The above shown latest pictures of our Anak Serama stock 2014. They were born on 14th February 2014 to our breeding pair (Raja Alam @Nature King and Sri Johor Bloodline female) and again both of them are female. They are equipped with perfect body posture with upper chest, long neck, recommended height and of course a good numbers of match stick on their comb. Besides that, our dream has finally come true as we managed to breed/produce a Full-set Reddish brown color female in 2014 and it also crucial for our 2014 breeding project as well.
Ini gambar terbaru Anak serama SN stok 2014. Anak serama ini special sikit sebab lahir pada 14 Februari 2014, bapanya Raja Alam dan ibu ialah Induk berdarah Sri Johor (warna ARA). Dua2 ini anak betina dan dilengkapi dengan dada yang cantik, leher panjang, cutting tinggi dan balung halus batang mancis. Di samping itu, impian kami akhirnya menjadi kenyataan kerana kita dapat membiak / menghasilkan Induk warna Kubing Fullset (warna Winston) pada tahun 2014.
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