Serama Negeri's couple of the year in 2015

The top image shows the Serama Negeri's couple of the year in 2015 and the above little cockerel (Anak B) was born to this beautiful couple at the Serama Negeri mini farm in Alor Star, Kedah. Despite the major "Cross Breeding" challenges that GSN has faced during the third quarter of the year 2014, now we have successfully completed our R&D in cross breeding resulting a number of beautiful breeding pullets that derived from Sri6 v/s Mie Kebab bloodline. In addition to that, we are in the midst of upgrading our "Yellow" serama bloodline in SN mini farm.

Ini adalah jodoh yang paling popular pada tahun 2015 di reban GSN Alor Star. Anak B ini adalah first batch yang lahir pada Pembaka comel ini. Induk-induk yang kita pakai sekarang dari adunan Sri Enam (Sri6) pembaka jantan cross dengan Induk Mie Kebab. Walaupun kami GSN tumpu pada upgrade serama warna kuning tapi produk "Kubing" masih ada dalam stock dan breeding.