Red Rooster 2016 (Pembaka Merah Ekor Kelabu)

The above shows updated picture of our own breed Rooster derived from pure Keris Mas (Mie) bloodline. Recently, he has joined our internal team of "breeding" category as he has the potential to be very good breeding Rooster and better than his siblings. Therefore, we decided to use him as full time breeder in GSN North Bay, Malaysia and he was transported to GSN Alor Setar last night because GSN Nilai was full of Kubing serama and Nature King's offspring. Besides, we were highly impressed with his tiny comb, attractive face, white earlobes, slim cutting, and reddish-yellow color which would allow him to produce some promising chicks for GSN. Let's hope for the BEST!!

seekor lagi ayam muda yg akan menjadi pembaka di reban GSN Alor Setar, Kedah. Ayam muda ini disimpan sebagai special pembaka kerana aksesori nya yang tidak lekeh/rendah di mata pengadil,sebab2 nya kami memilih n menyimpan nya kerana aksesori dari segi balung halus lidi, cutting struktur tubuh yang tinggi slim, bulu kemas susunan sayap n ekor agak menarik. Pembaka yang berdarah Keris Mas (Mie) badan merah pudar ekor kelabu ada lah salah satu warna serama yang markah penuh di pertandingan serama. Baru semalam pembaka merah ini transport ke GSN Alor Setar untuk support program breeding Ekor Kelabu dan produce anak serama yang berkualiti. Apa2 pon kami juga ingin mengucap kan tahniah pada otai2 serama yang menjuarai bon baru2 ini.... Terima Kasih